Superbly well played, Drakester, particularly after fending off most of the Alien onslaught! I think you've got this; just remember to select Escape when standing on the escape hatch. In the meantime, I'll set up what I think will be the only three-player showdown the three of us haven't yet done...
Hi @SteveSmith, I'm puzzled as to why this was a draw: by my reckoning, Drakester, as the only player to have a unit escape with an egg, should have won.
Hi Chris. I've had a look; the mission doesn't take into account whether any units escaped, it only checks that there is an egg on the escape hatch.
Actually, it looks like there's a bug: if the player escapes with the egg as Drakester did, the egg disappears so it doesn't get counted! I'll fix it. I'll change it so that a player wins if they have unit that has escaped while carrying an egg.