After some deliberation, I'm afraid I may have to close down Stellar Forces. It will be a massive shame as it's been running for over 15 years now and I've really enjoyed it as I hope others have too. Without wanting to go into details, my financial circumstances have changed. Nothing major, but it's getting very hard for me to justify the cost of running the game without cutting back other household outgoings. I don't want to sound mercenary, but unless I can bring in enough donations to cover the costs, I'll probably have to close it down in a couple of months.
If it does have to close, let it be known that it's been a great adventure, and I never thought it would last this long. It was always my dream to run my own online game, and you could argue it has outlasted a lot other games which had far more resources and money behind them. I've had some amazing exciting games and chatted to some great people. It's gone through many changes, some big, some small, but it's always managed to keep going thanks to the you, the hundreds of players who've come and gone. And if the worst does come to the worst, maybe one day it will start up again.
Of course, it would be remiss of me not to pass on my thanks to all those who are currently contributing to the running of Stellar Forces. In no particular order:-
* Henry's Cat / Le Chat de Henri * Rabid * Robsraiders * Chris1977
So much thanks to you for helping keep Stellar Forces going for as long as it has. Without you, it would have closed years ago!
To get down to raw figures, it costs me $234.36/year to run, made up of $27/year for the domain and $17.28/month for the server. In total, current Patreon's contribute $7/month = $84/year, leaving a shortfall of almost exactly $150/year.
Thanks a lot Rabid! And especially thanks back to you for being such a great patron and supporting the game constantly since 2017! Without you it would have closed a lot earlier. Only Henry's Cat comes (very) close to your record and generosity, and a lot of players owe you both a lot of thanks.
6 new patrons would still only bring in $144/year, still leaving me short. However, it's a step in the right direction and I could look to cut costs by changing to a cheaper domain name etc...
Good news everyone! Thanks to the generosity of two new patrons Dijon_p and Hansolo, Stellar Forces will be able to continue for now. I'm very grateful to all the players who make monthly monetary contribution to the game. It still doesn't quite cover the costs, but I don't want SF to disappear so I'll make up the shortfall for the time being. Hopefully more new patrons will sign up which will ensure it can continue in the long term. If you enjoy playing SF, spread the word!
I am already 45 years old. I played Laser Squad with a friend on Sinclair ZX Specrtum while visiting my grandmother in the village. those were great times. This game allows me to take a few minutes away from the daily hustle and bustle. An little but important part of my life I am currently unable to access to support the project. But if Steve sends me the bank account or card number, I can try to make a transfer.
Thanks a lot for the offer Rost, but I'd prefer to go through normal channels rather than send out my account number etc... Maybe one day, assuming WWW3 hasn't wiped us all out, things will return to normal. Glad you like the game though. And I wish I was only 45! :)